Babylon.js It is a complete framework for creating 3D games with the help of HTML5 and WebGL based 100% in JavaScript, developed by programmers from Microsoft. It works properly in Firefox and Chrome and is compatible with the following features:
- Graphic scenes complete, light, cameras, materials and textures
- Motor collision
- Scene selection
- Antialiasing
- Engine animations
- Particle systems
- Sprites and 2D layers
- Optimization engines
- Standard materials at the pixel level
- Fog
- Blending alpha
- Alpha testing
- Billboarding
- Full screen mode
- Shadow maps and maps of variation of shadows
- Rendering textures
- Dynamic textures (canvas)
- Video textures
- Cameras (perspectives and orthogonality)
- Cloning of mesh
- Dynamic meshes
- Maps of time
- The scenes of Babylon can become in. OBJ, .FBX, .MXB
- Exports the Blender
Below is a video course well very well explained in Spanish fromOscar Uh Pérez (Develoteca) that gives us all the skills needed to put the hands in the dough.
Also I leave some interesting tutorials of Julian Chenard to start with Balylon.js in the following link:
More tutorials: